
Lazada Malaysia

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Religious Bigotry..The " Sally Yen" insult of Islam.!

Police report over Facebook post on Islam and Prophet Muhammad

A bit of chaos erupted recently when a "Sally Yen" had comments insulting Islam and the Prophet recently on her FB...
But as it turned out the profile picture was fake and uploaded from a site in China , photo taken by a photographer from China named We Tang.
It is suspected that the "Sally Yen" may be a trouble maker , a phony FB account, bent on causing racial disharmony.

Now the question on everyone's minds is ..Who really is this "Sally Yen?".

Why so angry?

I think the interpreted insult  on the FB  posting may have been  on the final sentence  "jadi agama islam adalah agama  Dajal" . That really is insensitive and  inflammatory !

Always thought the word  "dajal"  meant "devil" but apparently not.! Took the liberty to google it and was a hefty read..just a condensed version here..

Dajjal is an Arabic word derived from dajl. Dictionaries define Dajjal as "liar, fraud, a seditious and damned person who confuse the minds, hearts, good and bad, the right and the wrong, who hides the
real face of something by gilding it, who wanders everywhere." Dajjal is also called al-Masih ad-Dajjal "The False Messiah. In a hadith he is mentioned as "Masih al-Dalalah" "The Messiah of Misguidance. The word also can  mean  "the deceiver" in Arabic.
   The important personalities that are mentioned in the end times are: Dajjal, Mahdi and Hazrat Jesus (Christ)... The first one is the  destroyer of  all  things relating to  religion, belief, ethics, virtue and
humanity, to inflict despotism, oppression and terror; the others are the people that will struggle against him .
 in the dark  period when Dajjal starts to inflict his evil  actions, Mahdi and Hazrat Jesus will be the  spiritual saviors and will become the greatest support and source of  strength, morale and hope for believers.

Ad-Dajjal or Degghial is, in Islam, an evil figure who will appear in the end times in Islamic eschatology.
He is a counterpart to the Antichrist prophesied by Christianity. Like the Antichrist, various hadith, or traditions, are preserved about ad-Dajjal.

He will deceive the faithful, teaching them that Heaven is Hell and vice versa. He will have the power to work miracles in order to mislead believers.  He will revive the dead, and claim to be a god. He will rally Jews to his support.

( The early followers of Jesus were Jews and  the core doctrine of Christianity rest on the death and the miraculous resurrection without which Christianity will lose it core essence.. this part will make it very difficult to reconcile the 2 faiths, since it seems to imply that the Christian God is actually  Dajjal and Jesus is a Prophet but not son of God, but Jesus does have a role to play in the end times.   

Islam as a  version of Christianity ??  

From RPK's blog -- On top of that, Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that he is not introducing a new religion but is perfecting/improving the old religions of Abraham. Hence Islam is NOT a new religion. It is ‘Version 3’ of Christianity, which is in turn ‘Version 2’ of Judaism -- if I may be permitted to use that modern/IT terminology to explain what I mean. And in that same spirit, the ‘operating system’ for Versions 1, 2 and 3 is the religion introduced by Abraham.    (

But maybe Judaism, seems more similar in the approach to monotheism..
 The dispute between Christianity and Islam  lies in the doctrine of the Trinity,- Father , Son and Holy Spirit  as one Godhead and the resurrection- .that Islam counters   never happpened- but only acknowledges Jesus as a prophet . Muslim scholars will vehemently brush the doctrine of christian beliefs  and teachings aside , no such thing as the Son of God or Holy spirit )

 Any way...,back to Dajjal.

The appearance of the Dajjal will correspond with the appearance of the Mahdi, who will rally the faithful on earth to oppose him. Eventually, Isa, the Islamic name for Jesus Christ, will return from Heaven and vanquish the Dajjal.
Here, Jews will view Dajjal as their “Messiah” whose advent, according to them, has been foretold in their religious books and traditions. Of course as Muslims know,  the person whose coming was
foretold in their books was Hadhrat Isa ( Jesus ) but since the Jews never accepted him as such, the Dajjal will be their “Messiah.” Hence, his major followers will be the Jews.
The main aim of Dajjal will be to try and convince people that he is God Almighty. He will try and deviate people from the Right Path and join his ranks.

Signs of his coming

Hadith attributed to Prophet  Muhammad indicates that HE  taught about the  many signs of the appearance of the Dajjal, and exhorted his followers to recite the first and last ten verses of Sura Al-Kahf, as protection from the trials and  mischief of the Dajjal.

The following signs are ascribed to Ali in the coming of Dajjal:

People will stop offering the prayers..... ( Thankfully , still fervently observed by the faithful and evn not so faithful)
Dishonesty will be the way of life.......( Hmmmm???  )
Falsehood will become a virtue......  ( Another thought provocateur ? )

People will mortgage their faith for worldly gain.....( more truth in this than realised)
Usury and bribery will become legitimate................(.this sounds soo  familiar)

Imbeciles would rule over the wise.......................( Cannot agree more-- my favourite of the signs)

Blood of innocents would be shed...( Relieved we haven't come to that yet here, but common around the world , terrorist who profess the muslim faith and their lunatic kafir counterparts))

Pride will be taken on acts of oppression....... ( human nature , power corrupts )

The rulers will be corrupt...( don't wanna go there! may be  semut monitoring)
The scholars will be hypocrites..( you decide....! )
There will be acute famine at the time...(soon)
There will be no shame amongst people..?
Many people would worship Satan...( sign of the times, already happening )
There would be no respect for elderly people  ( God forbid)

This Kid puts the shame into religious bigotry..."I m not gonna judge you by the funny hat you wear".People are the same everywhere, We all come from the same ancestry if we trace it back far enough!!

Muslim compassion

To be fair in the PROPHETS defence,this video says it all ,very enlightening explanation of all the accusations by the "Sally Yen".

I seriously doubt that anybody can be as forgiving as this Muslim man..!

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