
Lazada Malaysia
Showing posts with label malysian education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malysian education. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Vernacular schools and ignorance of history.Not UMNO's fault. HUH?

RPK wrote in his MT blog: 
So, you go to Chinese schools because they are far better and more superior compared to national schools. But then you are ignorant of history. And it is Umno’s fault that you are ignorant of history. Are these Chinese schools set up and run by Umno with Malay teachers who do not speak a word of Mandarin? If not then why must Umno be blamed if you go to the ‘far better’ and ‘more superior’ Chinese schools and yet you are still ignorant of history?
Only an ignorant person will blame his/her ignorance on someone else. But then this is what you always do anyway -- you blame others for your shortcomings.------------------ 

My response::
RPK, either you r intentionally provoking a response by grabbing a handful of sand and throwing it in our faces or you r just feigning ignorance..knowing full well it is not as simple as that..

Just like a street junkie or dope peddler will blame it on the big time trafficker, Right? see the conumdrum?
The junkie will be hopelessly addicted and the dealer , the street pusher will survive n prosper , but the main trafficker gets indecently rich.. because of the demand...So ,who is the bigger culprit and which is the biggest problem to eradicate.?
. Why should not blame the goverment or UMNO. ? Aren't they the ones who made the mess? 
They are the traffickers , of demanding for favors other wise nothing gets done or granted, cronies are like the dealers and pushers and the average joes are the ones hooked to these peddled junk of a system, addicted to the system, only way to get things done is to make a "score.". The balls of this "culture" needs to be squeezed from the very top.That may hinder a little on the "attitude" of those lower on the food chain of corruption.

How to change attitudes when it will be perceived as a form of hindrance to advancement..People are by nature greedy and ambitious for advancement. Esp. the pragmatic Chinese mindsets, who are like chameleons, they adapt at whatever system there is n still learn to milk it to their benefit, look at Singapore..and attitudes there !
Not saying they are better but mull over their Goverment's stand towards corruption. Even LKY will not intervene when a minister was accused of accepting bribes on his watch as PM despite a personal plea to him, he won't even meet up with the guy till the issue is resolved. , but tragically  ended up with the suicide of the minister. That is a scary deterrent message to say the least.!

Not reading enough? i think it is precisely of too much reading about what it was like before- compared to now- that is causing all the resentment.(read current generation well read and educated with broader world views) It was through reading that many found out the noble intentioned design of the NEP to address the imbalance of poverty in the country and how it was hijacked along the way by THE ONE and
Only ignoramus will put up with being told what is good for them without question.. Reading breeds awareness n enlightment..

Don't know about malaysian history? Whose freking fault is that? it is supposed to be taught in our schools. 11 years and more to do -  if they r interested enuff can learn more in higher ED.!.So why not blame the Goverment or ED ministry for failing to ensure that?

Worried about integration ? Make it bloody compulsory for vernacular school students to be proficient in BM n other relevant subjects relating to the that when they eventually converged in secondary ED they will communicate better ..whats is so difficult about that?

Again the "attitudes" of the teachers and also the seemingly Malay-nization and Islamization of the curriculum in national schools doesn't sit very well with the psyche of non malays and non over emphasising of religion and very Malay- not Malaysian oriented environment - that only seems to be divisive and alienates non malay/muslims. Schools need to be secular..there are religious schools for indoctrination.
According to stats ,96% chinese in chinese schools..50+ % indians  in tamil schools, 98% malays in national schools ,. this year a record 80,000 malays in chinese schools.. There is a reason for this..and speaks volumes for the national schools.

Attitude is the problem , yes, but whose attitudes ? Those responsible for equitable distribution of social benefits and quality education for our kids along the lines of  racial integration,  not implementing it but keep on spouting racial polarisation rhetorics.. 
Can I help it if i Blame the goverment? They started it , encouraging me to feel so.

I do agree with attitudes being the problem but even if we cannot cut off the head , at least draw a bit of blood for red to be seen, which may scare enough for those in the middle ground and below to toe the line , afraid or very very cautious to even offer,or participate by accepting , in the messy situations of selfish gain . 

 Only then perhaps, we may see a salvation of and reform of attitudes from ground up! 

Also please read:

The myth about vernacular schools being obstacles to unity
