
Lazada Malaysia

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What have you been smoking Tan Sri?

Monday June 24, 2013

Conversation with a M'sian angry with the Govt

Transformation Unplugged by Idris Jala

Idris Jala</p> <p>Things are never as bad as they seemIdris Jala

Things are never as bad as they seem
RECENTLY, I had a robust conversation with a Malaysian. He was very angry. He had so much to complain about everything in our country. To him, nothing is right in Malaysia.
I reproduce my responses to his complaints, in the hope that it might shed some light and provide some hope to those who feel our country is in a hopeless decline.
To maintain his anonymity and privacy, I simply call him “Angry Malaysian”:
Angry Malaysian (AM): I think Malaysia is the most corrupt country in the world. If the Government is not corrupt, we will solve all the problems in this country. There will be no poverty and everyone in Malaysia will be prosperous and happy.
Idris: That's not true. Last year, Malaysia improved in Transparency International (TI)'s Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Malaysia's 2012 score improved compared to 2011 to 49 out of 100 from 4.3 out of 10 (TI's new scoring methodology changed in 2012 from assigning a score between 1 to 10 in 2011 to 1 to 100 in 2012) . Also Malaysia's ranking improved from 60 in 2011 to 54 in 2012.
It is equally wrong to say that the only solution to poverty, prosperity and happiness is government corruption.
Almost all the countries that are ahead of Malaysia in the world corruption ranking still have absolute and relative poverty.
For instance, not everyone in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany or Singapore is rich.
Crime still exists in these countries.
Whilst there is hardly any corruption in many rural villages in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world, yet the people are still poor.
When I grew up in Bario, in the Borneo highlands we were almost isolated from the rest of the world and there was no corruption in the village.
Yet, we were poor.
We should stop looking at corruption as something that leads to other peoples' problem the poor, the marginalised and expect only the Government to tackle the issue.
It is true that corruption must be eradicated in the interest of creating a level-playing field and enhancing standards of living.
The Government is serious about implementing this through various initiatives.
Whilst we deploy policy measures to arrest corruption, there is also a responsibility upon every Malaysian to ensure they do not engage in or encourage corrupt practices.
As long as there is giving, there will be taking it is a vicious cycle. Eradicating corruption is not the job of the Government alone, it is a shared responsibility.
AM: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said at a rally before GE13, that Malaysia's illicit capital outflow over 10 years of RM873bil, as reported by Global Financial Integrity, is proof that corruption is the scourge of Malaysia.
According to him, if we stop this corruption by the Government and its cronies, there is enough money for Malaysia.
Idris: Bank Negara has refuted this claim.
It has clarified that 80% of illicit capital outflow is trade mispricing or transfer pricing.
This means private companies produce receipts or invoices which differ from the actual amount of money transacted, usually to pay lower taxes to the Government.
This is not government corruption.
Bank Negara established that the remaining 20% of illicit capital outflows is due to “errors and omissions”, which includes small residual amounts due to illegal business and corrupt practices.
Based on the Bank Negara report released in March, it is totally wrong to say that RM873bil of “illicit capital” outflow is due to government corruption.
AM: Twenty years ago, Malaysia was on par with South Korea in many ways for example GNI (gross national income) per capita. Even in soccer, we used to beat them. I believe Malaysia lost its competitiveness because of the New Economic Policy (NEP).
If we remove the NEP, then Malaysia will immediately improve its competitiveness and catch up with South Korea.
Idris: It is true that South Korea has made a lot more progress compared to us.
However, I do not agree that as soon as we abolish NEP, Malaysia will be on the road to catching up with them.
The South Koreans did it because they did not complain incessantly about not getting government contracts. They did not incessantly complain about everything that was not perfect around them.
They simply focused on innovating their products to be the best in the world and trained their sights on marketing and selling them in the world market.
AM: A lot of people, particularly non-bumiputras, are leaving Malaysia in droves because of unfair policies such as the NEP. Many of them migrate to Singapore where there is no NEP and it is a fair society.
Idris: That's not true. A Mindshare survey of 2,000 Singaporeans carried out last year showed that over half of them (56%) wanted to migrate, although there is no NEP in Singapore.
According to the World Bank, Singapore had 300,000 migrants in 2010, nearly 10% of Singapore citizens. Reasons for migration are complex and varied and cannot be just pinpointed to the NEP.
AM: The Government collects lots of taxes from all of us. So many of us work hard only to pay so much in taxes. The Government wastes the tax revenue through corrupt practices and cronyism.
Idris: I don't agree that Malaysia is taxing everybody and also over-taxing the people. First, Malaysia has a population of 29 million people.
Last year, our working population was 12.5 million people. Out of this, only 1.5 million people were registered taxpayers but only 1.2 million paid taxes.
Second, most of the government tax revenue comes from Petronas and the oil and gas companies, followed by other corporate taxes and then by the 1.2 million taxpayers.
Third, it is not true that Malaysia is over-taxing. Its corporate and personal income tax is competitive when compared with all other countries worldwide.
Fourth, Malaysia is one of the few countries that has not implemented the Goods and Services Tax (GST). More than 140 countries have already implemented GST.
Fifth, since Malaysia wants to keep income taxes at reasonable rates, and since the Government continues to pay huge sums of money on subsidies for the rakyat, our tax revenue is insufficient to pay all our operating and developing expenditure.
So Malaysia has a fiscal deficit. Under the leadership of our prime minister, we have been steadily reducing our fiscal deficit from 6.6% in 2009 to 4.5% last year.
AM: I hear that the Government will be introducing GST. This will hurt the poor people and the middle-income group in this country. GST will bring untold suffering to our people and Malaysia's economy will collapse.
Idris: No decision has been made by the government to implement GST.
More than 140 countries worldwide have implemented GST and this includes many developed and developing countries eg the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Indonesia and many more.
Under GST, many items that are typically consumed by the poor and the middle-income group are exempted from GST. Some items are “zero rated”, which also reduces the impact of GST. This is why the implementation of GST was done in many developing and poor countries. I don't agree with you that GST will bring “untold suffering to our people”, nor will our economy collapse. Let's be clear, these problems did not happen in the 140 countries which implemented GST.
AM: Crime is happening everywhere in Malaysia.
Everyday, I read in the newspapers about street crime and violent crimes. The police are not doing anything. The Government doesn't care about the safety and security of its people.
Idris: The Government considers crime as one of the top national priorities to address. It is indeed one of the National Key Results Areas (NKRA) under the Government Transformation Programme (GTP).
The Deputy Prime Minister, Home Minister, IGP and the police are all working hard to implement initiatives to fight crime. As a result of our collective efforts, crime has dropped from 575 cases per day in 2009 to 407 cases per day in the first five months of 2013, which is an improvement of over 29%.
But that does not mean crime does not occur. It still does, but the rate has reduced. Whilst we take note of this, we continue to address problem areas and ensure we continue to make our streets, villages, towns and cities safe. This is a priority. It is pertinent for us to look into UK's experience in 1998, when ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair launched an intense nation-wide program to fight crime.
Significant amount of resources were provided to strengthen UK's police force to fight crime. This program succeeded in turning around crime trend.
However, while the crime rates have started to drop in 1998, the general UK public perception was the exact opposite believing that crime rate continued to increase.
It was only six years later, in 2004, that the UK public perception of crime finally started to turnaround. This was how long it took for the UK public to catch on with their country's improving crime situation.
Malaysia is experiencing this same syndrome, called the “Crime Perception Lag”.
We are in the third year of the Crime NKRA program - half-way into the perception lag period experienced by the UK.
I believe we need to redouble our efforts to fight crime by strengthening police presence in our streets, improving investigation and prosecution outcomes, engaging the larger community to fight crime via to be United Against Crime, and incorporating Safe City elements in the development of our cities and townships.
Well, that was the gist of my conversation with the AM.
Yes, things are not perfect in this country of ours. Where is it perfect? But we have a lot going for us and it is up to us each and every one of us - to grasp the opportunities available to progress and help our country and ourselves to become developed.
Things are never as bad as they seem.

  • Datuk Seri Idris Jala is CEO of Pemandu and also Minister in the Prime Minister's Department. All fair and reasonable comments are most welcome at

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    If the Tan Sri wrote the article, then he needs a head check. If someone else wrote it for him, he still needs a head check.
    I refer to the article titled “Conversation with a M’sian angry with the Govt” by Tan Sri Idris Jala. 
    My immediate reaction was incredulity followed by the “I pity the fool” feeling. then I wondered what was the Tan Sri smoking. Hahahaha! I felt that if the Tan Sri wrote the article, then he needs a head check. If someone else wrote it for him, he still needs a head check. Lastly, I think the editors who allowed publication of the article needs to be institutionalised - This is one article that is seriously counterproductive! Hahahaha!
    Ok, now seriously, I understand what Tan Sri Idris Jala (TSIJ) was trying to sell, that things are not so bad under BN rule. Then he appears to try to win over the ‘Angry Malaysian’ over with arguments citing facts and figures.
    I agree that things are not so bad in Malaysia under BN rule. In fact things are improving but doesn’t mean that I’ll just sit back and spend my days under the sun (mind you, when it is not hazy). Does TSIJ expect Malaysians to be the docile domestic abuse victim that makes excuses like, “he/she used to punch me every day before but now it is just every other day so I am alright as things are improving”?
    I give a big FAIL on the part of trying to win over Angry Malaysian and I do not even need to refute the facts and figures provided. Firstly, TSIJ used a counterproductive approach and secondly he misses the point completely! Now, I am not here to refute his individual points because I’ll just end up like him, missing the whole point. It is like discussing about the quality of the dog bark rather than finding out why is the dog barking at all.
    On TSIJ’s approach, his first error is in labelling the critics of the Malaysian government as ‘angry’. Grrrrrrr! You do not use a negative adjective to describe those you want to reach out to. Imagine going into peace talks with the Taliban and addressing them as the ‘terrorist’ Taliban.
    His second error is in trying to squeeze in facts and figures without balanced analyses including the pros and cons thus showing a lack of sincerity.
    Thirdly, there is no point shoving facts and figures when the other person perceives that the real life situation is not mirrored in the facts in figures. What does it mean to you that crime rate is falling when you were mugged yesterday?
    An additional note, there is the customary diversionary sort talk of “not everyone in X country is better” which never convince anyone. You can pick and choose to highlight things better or worse off in every country in the world.  Even Gaddafi’s Libya had free education including tertiary level and every citizen gets a roof over their heads.
    The end result is basically highlighting TSIJ giving a talk which he could have more effectively convey his message in bite size articles that deals with one topic at a time. The danger of having too many points in one article is that you lose your audience and that one error and you risk discrediting the whole article.
    I say TSIJ misses the whole point in trying to address the concerns of Malaysians. TSIJs need to find the real Malaysians and then decipher their real grouses. Instead what he did with this article is him reasserting himself as a part of the propaganda machinery.
    If you ask Malaysians what trouble them in Malaysia, they can give you a long list which would include crime and security, corruption, race relations, religion, economy, taxes, and so on. In fact, these are not unique to Malaysia. The same headache list occurs all over the world. The truth is that we all live with this headache list and life goes on.
    So, what really ails the BN led Malaysian government? This is where TSIJ misses the point or does not want to mention. He was in business so he should know what makes a deal go smoothly.
    The answer is trust. The fact is that many Malaysians have lost trust and faith in the BN led government and government machinery. The BN led government and Malaysian government machinery appears self-serving and out of touch of the day to day lives of Malaysians (this is also a warning to PR which may end up with their own brand of ‘Angry Malaysian’).
    You can quote Bank Negara few will believe it as they do not trust it. You can quote drop in crime and corruption and few will believe it because everyone knows someone who has paid a bribe to the police or knows someone’s property which was burgled. You can quote Transparency International but few really care or understand what the numbers mean.
    What any Malaysian government needs is to foster trust towards the government and government machinery. You do not do this by quoting facts and figures. You do not do this by arguing with logic. All you need to do is speak to the people who put the need of the nation above themselves, race and religion. Many mentioned answers but time and time again the Malaysian government refuses to listen. If you were to scream out over and over again and you are ignored, my dear TSIJ, you would either become very angry or raving mad.

    Sunday, June 23, 2013

    How haze is hazardous to health..

    Health implications of API ( air pollution index)
    APIAir Pollution
    Health Implications;
    0 - 25LowNot expected.
    26 - 50MediumNot expected for the general population.
    51 - 100HighAcute health effects are not expected but chronic effects may be observed if one is persistently exposed to such levels.
    101 - 200Very HighPeople with existing heart or respiratory illnesses may notice mild aggravation of their health conditions. Generally healthy individuals may also notice some discomfort.
    201 - 500SeverePeople with existing heart or respiratory illnesses may experience significant aggravation of their symptoms. There may also be widespread symptoms in the healthy population (e.g. eye irritation, wheezing, coughing, phlegm and sore throats).
    The air quality in Malaysia is reported as the API or Air Pollutant Index. 
    This scale below shows the Health classifications used by the Malaysian government.
    APIAir Pollution
    0 - 50Good
    51 - 100Moderate
    101 - 200Unhealthy
    201 - 300Very unhealthy
    If the API exceeds 500, a state of emergency is declared in the reporting area. Usually, this means that non-essential government services are suspended, and all ports in the affected area are closed. There may also be a prohibition on private sector commercial and industrial activities in the reporting area excluding the food sector.

    More than 600 schools in Johor  located in several areas where the Air Pollution Index (API) readings had exceeded the hazardous point of 300 were forced to close ,  meanwhile, schools in areas with API readings exceeding 150 are advised to avoid outdoor activities

    Where is the haze coming from?

    The 2013 Southeast Asian haze is affecting several countries in the Southeast Asian region, including IndonesiaMalaysia, and Singapore, starting in June 2013. On 19 June 2013, NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites captured images of smoke from illegal wildfires on the Indonesian island of Sumatra blowing east toward southern Malaysia and Singapore, causing thick clouds of haze in the region. As stated by a local Indonesian official, the source of the haze might be a 3,000 hectare peatland in Bengkalis RegencyRiau Province, which was set ablaze by an unknown party on 9 June.As many as 187 hotspots were picked up by satellites on 18 June 2013, down to 85 on 20 June 2013. Many of the hotspots are owned by palm oil companies or smallholder farmers who supply palm oil to these companies and use traditional slash-and-burn methods to clear their land for the next planting season.

    Risks to people from the haze
    This is the hidden danger for such people from haze – a mixture of suspended particles, water vapour, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other chemicals. Though intermittent haze  is unlikely to be hazardous to healthy people, it can aggravate underlying conditions. Ever since the  smoke drifting here from burning forests in Indonesia pushed air quality to over 100 points on the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI),it is a  signal of  unhealthy air.

    So how does haze hurt the body? What medical specialist say..

    During inhalation, particles and chemicals irritate the nose, which secretes mucus to flush out the particles. As more mucus is produced, the nasal passage becomes blocked and the nose swells. The reaction is magnified in
    people who have allergic rhinitis, If the symptoms become too severe, they can take antihistamines.

    Airways and lungsThe particles may inflame the airways and the lungs as they travel downwards. The airways and lungs produce phlegm to try to get rid of the particles. The airways spasm to provoke a cough to expel the foreign matter. As phlegm narrows the
    airways, more phlegm is produced, creating a vicious circle. Even people without chronic respiratory problems can suffer from breathlessness, he said.

    The elderly and pregnant women should also take extra care, because their lungs tend to have less capacity, he said. Worst-hit are those with asthma and chronic lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They should keep to their daily control medication and increase the dose, if needed, They should make sure they have an adequate supply of rescue medication in case of an attack.

    Heart With the nose and airways inflamed, the body is under stress and the heart pumps faster, increasing the blood pressure. The body also releases chemicals that make blood clot more easily. Higher blood pressure and the formation of blood clots can cause a heart attack, stroke or heart failure in those who have coronary heart disease or whose hearts are already beginning to fail, 

    The particles and chemicals can cause burning sensations, irritate the eye into tearing to clean itself and inflame the
    conjunctiva, the surface layer on the white of the eyeball.
     Those with a history of dry, sensitive eyes and allergic conjunctivitis are most at risk,The inflammation of the conjunctiva worsens dry eyes and adds to existing inflammation from allergic conjunctivitis, she said. Avoid wearing contact lenses and put on wrap-around glasses. Use preservative-free lubricants every hour to remove allergens. Any eye swelling can be reduced by placing a warm towel over the eyes for a minute or two. If the symptoms worsen or become severe, see an ophthalmologist, who may prescribe medications such as
    topical steroids.

    The haze should have little effect on healthy skin,. But those with eczema – “asthma of the skin” – may find it becoming itchy and inflamed, he said. Using moisturiser three to four times a day can help protect the skin.

    General precautions
    People with chronic diseases, especially serious ones such as heart and lung diseases, should stay indoors and avoid physical activity outdoors when the API hits about 100, doctors advised. Healthy people should do so when the API exceeds 200 and crosses into the unhealthy range, they said. If they have to go out, they may wish to wear surgical masks, but these may not block fine particles which can still wreak havoc on the body.

    Children are more vulnerable as they breathe faster, have a higher metabolic rate and have lungs that are still developing, 

    The general health effects of haze on a healthy child are usually mild and can be treated easily. At most, they may bring symptoms like irritation of the eyes or nose, or skin rash.
    However, if your child has a history of respiratory problems, sinusitis and allergic skin conditions, he or she may be more vulnerable. If your child has asthma, then the symptoms may be more severe.

    An asthma attack occurs when a child suffers recurrent attacks of shortness of breath and wheezing caused by the swelling of the bronchial tubes, which in turn, narrows the air passage and reduces the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
    The main reasons haze can severely affect children with asthma are because:
    • They play outdoors;
    • They have faster breathing rates;
    • Their lungs are still developing; and
    • Their lungs are more sensitive.

    Symptoms to watch out for include wheezing, coughing during sleep, difficulties in breathing, and tightness in the chest area.
    Your child may experience restlessness during sleep, flared nostrils, breathing through pursed lips, fatigue, breathlessness, vomiting and fast breathing.

    There are also many audible warnings for asthma, including heavy wheezing, frequent throat clearing, and coughing without having a cold. It is important to watch out for all these signs.
    In severe cases, the airways narrow so severely that your child is unable to breathe adequately, and this may lead to a potentially fatal situation.

    These symptoms are caused by the narrowing of the air passages, resulting in reduction of air flow in and out of the lungs.
    Studies show there is a consistent correlation between the quality of air and the severity of asthmatic symptoms. During hazy days, it has been proven that the increase in air pollutants reduces lung function by inflaming the lining of the lungs. The airways over-react to the trigger, and set off a number of changes that are associated with inflammation.

    This explains the increased frequency of flare-ups and upper respiratory infections during hazy months.
    Because asthma is a chronic condition, it cannot be cured and requires treatment with a combination of one inhaler for immediate relief and one preventer for long-term control.

    A reliever medication is an inhaler that relaxes the airways, and is used whenever an attack occurs. A preventer is an inhaler which is used daily (even when there are no attacks) to reduce inflammation in the airways, thereby helping to prevent future attacks.
    Therefore, it is extremely important for parents , teachers and coaches to be aware of the potential risks that children with asthma face during hazy months

    Preventive measures from conditions  resulting  from haze. Follow these advices:-
    • Those who experience diseases like cough, flu, asthma, sore eyes, heart disease or chronic lung diseases should go to the clinic immediately if the disease conditions worsen.
    • Those who are in high risk group should always take medicine as advised.
    • Nasal mask should be used by all motorcyclists, those who work outside building or in dusty places and those who are in the high risk group.
    • Smokers who have small child, old parents and diseased relatives must not smoke in the house.
    • The public are advice to stay inside their home and building as far as they can.
    • Lessen sports activity outside home.
    • Always wash their face and skin areas exposed to haze with clean water.
    • If your vehicle is air-conditioned, please use it.
    • Always drink a lot of water.
    • Smoker is advised not to smoke when air situation is unhealthy (API exceeded 100).
    • Those in high risk group are advised to take leave outside the hazy area if the hazy condition continues at a dangerous level at their area.

    Either the above advice or do as this guy below to breathe easier ,
    unless you have a better idea.

    Saturday, June 22, 2013

    Padang merbok protest rally in pictures and narrative. An observation of the crowd

    all eyes on the podium 3pm
    Couldn't help but be caught up with the mood of the  sentiments of a large proportion of ordinary citizens, and when the plans for  rally was broadcast, i wanted to attend for myself and was curious as to what kind of atmosphere will there be amongst the crowd that attended the i went and attended but focused on the fringe events,traversing the whole padang, the surrounding roads , car park and compiled an observation of what i saw in pics best i can.Didn't concentrate on  the main show of the celebrity speakers since it will be reported anyway in the media . The people interested me more..and i was not disappointed!

    well behaved crowd

    2 pm already crowd forming and streaming in from the main road

    Amonsgt many NGOs there 

    under the hot sweltering sun and breathing in the haze yet the crowd was well behaved and ruly

    despite the baking heat, crowd in good spirits

    DBKL trucks  stayin a a safe discreet disance, at a road just next to the padang

    Padang carpark .Who says the Malay people were not enterprising, almost all the instant stalls(long line of umbrellas) as far as the eye can see had them  hawking everything from vuvuzuels, drinks, mask, bandanas , t shirts , snacks etc.And the traders were everywhere, in and around the fringes of  the  padang with Colemans stocked with liquid replenishments, the main access road from Bank Negara lined on the side for few hundred metres with the traders
    There was a very pasar malam festive feel to the rally. Free market of demand and supply economics and the entrepreneurial spirit and initiative of the mostly Malay traders are admired.

    mourning Teoh beng Hock

    Long line of police trucks and  DBKL vehicles standing by. The  section of the main road next to padang merbok was closed for Ambulances, and Police and  DBKL vehicles to park on standby.. 

    This may qualify in the Malaysian book of records as the longest banner with a multi lingua  political message that was ever made, It stretch all the way across the the whole length of padang merbok.
    A large portion of the crowd were concentrated under shady spots just next to the padang taking refuge from the sweltering heat...It was very hot n with the hazy conditions. salute to those suffering under the hot sun in the field.The heat is bad enough but to breathe in haze in a packed crowd,imagine how uncomfortable that is...
    Can't stand the heat , get out of the kitchen

    A troop of plainclothes policemen and women  going in to mingle, i am sure to facilitate the smooth progress and to look out for potential trouble makers and nip them in the bud before it may get out of hand....

    Najib and his cats


    In the shade looking at those under the hot sun and haze

    It was sweltering hot and the crowd  on the padang just sweated it out. 

    PAS supporters unfurling a huge flag at the main road

    Teoh Beng Hock reminder, hands restrained,  helpless victim of  persecution?

    Please give me closure , my hands are tied , i cannot do anything humanly possible. Now i am but a disembodied  restless wandering spirit. My innocent  life tragically wrenched from my family.
     A ghost that should  not be forgotten.

    In the shade of the trees vs those on the field baking in the heat n breathing in the haze

    Many couldn't bear the sweltering heat of the sun and sought shade under the trees around the field
    Participating and Protesting on their comfortable shady terms..!

    Police staging area . Those that are standing are actually plainclothes cops of the tougher variety on stand-by in case anything untoward gets out of control, Couldn't help but noticed they were all dressed in black as well.
    Huge PAS flag with added  message emblazoned 

    The NGO ABU"s  stand

    Under the hot sun in the field yet these people don't seem to mind ,just bearing the heat. This  crowd i Salute!

    Orang Asli voice of dissent 

    Add caption

    Crowd scene from a shaded position and looking out at those not sheltered..

    A supporter dozing of or disenchanted, picture of his  facial expression  holding the PR flag is food for thought 

    Came across dozens of net denizens standing by with laptops writing away as events  unfold..
    Social media on the spot coverage, instant news 

    Orang Asli part of the crowd in their improvised costumes, having lunch..resolve and protest on a lunch break

    The only untoward incident at the rally.. a scuffle broke out when DBKL officers wanted to forcibly remove a tent in the padang from the ABU  supporters students  camp, while the rally was in full swing, in next to an instant, an angry mob materialises and surrounded and almost lynched the DBKL officers,there was screaming and shouting and almost a thousand strong mob rushed over ,morbid curiousity mostly but emotions frayed, if there had been confrontation by the DBKL it would have gotten out of control easily. Our boys in blue were playing it coy and i wud say wisely stayed out of the fracas, but monitoring the situation. 
    Fortunately the event organisers intervened and Rafizi himself n his whole crew went over to calm the angry mob ,trying to get them to return to the field. Most did after the prompting but the morbidly curious crowd and a few devilishly outraged seemed to be intent to cause a physical ruckus and inflict terror, not helped by the swarm of media photographers all jostling for position. Lasted over a good 20 minutes or so..Wow , the scene really looked like a troop of very hungry lions battling over a small carcass. 
    Only when the aggresive  officer was escorted out of the area under heavy protective detail did things calm down.

    Angry mob had surrounded the van the DBKL officer was in and close to igniting . Till Rafizi stepped in and  urging calm in the  tense volatile situation. It was close shave for the situation to get out of hand. 

     The irony of the words didn't escape me. Rally is held at the padang  just in front of the national arts, culture and heritage academy , towering complex in full  witness of  a new consciouness and  cultural awakening of the people. "Melangkah ke hadapan bersama tradisi" -Taking a step forward hand in hand with tradition..pertinent phrase in deed..(video below) Managed to film it just as the the chant of " HIDUP RAKYAT" roared in the background..

    Mat Sabu fortune telling of our future election prospects and distasteful racial antics of BN even after they have won, presided over by the Malaysian HERITAGE academy building in the background !
