
Lazada Malaysia

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aphrodisiac King of fruits or Stink!

Durian is large spiky fruit with a sulfuric smell. Almost everyone finds this fruit either repulsive or addictive. Few fall in between. Durian is rare in that it is a significant source of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
In Thailand, Durian is banned from many public areas because of the smell. Thailand's Ministry of Health warns against eating more than two sections of durian per day, as people have occasionally been known to die from excessive durian intake. People are killed every year by durians falling from trees.
You can find durians at your local South East Asian market during certain periods when its in season. A typical durian has sections of fruit. When it is ripe, it has a pungent aroma and the flesh has a soft gooey texture,ranging fron sweet to bitter or cheese like taste.
   A very lucrative industry has sprouted from the durian trade with fruit growers experimenting with various strains and coming out with the best fruits,to a point where certain strains are considered delicacies and command high prices on the market Another novelty about the fruit is that they cannot be plucked off the tree but  pickers must wait for the fruit to break  off from its stem and drop to the ground which it does only when ripe..And then ,there is only a period of 12 - 24 hours depending on the climate,when it is considered ripe and tasty and consumed . Then eventually  the spiky skin starts to crack,and air seeps into the fruit, flavour is corrupted,and  the fruit is no longer acceptable and is worthless as a delicious delicacy to be savoured.

Contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of euphoria, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain.

A good muscle builder. Contains high levels of soft proteins.
Asian legends say that durian is a powerful aphrodisiac!

I can personally attest  that the statement is neither a legend nor a myth , but holds a very pungent truth! And it can affect both genders, A very organic Viagra that nature has created , if you have had a feast of durians , the following hours will, if you got lucky will be a very  gratifying or satisfactory experience with a partner or a very ackward and potentially embarassing period where you may have to constantly shift positions,if you are seated or walk funny , as if you have got a sore bum or sprained muscle in your thigh! ESpecially so if you are a guy!
  Yup,talk about stubborn , no matter how much breath exercise or focusing on other objects,nor even staring at a photograph of Eddie Murphy in drag (remember the Flubber movie and the obese grandma) doesnt even budge it's effects. Chances are if you remember that movie,your mind will uncontrollably shift to thinking of Janet Jackson who plays the love interest.!
Stinky fruit ? Smells like bad cheese , open sewer , rotting garbage or disgustingly described as like blocked public toilet! Yuck..! These are but some of the descriptions i have encountered by people not familiar with the fruit. Most stop dead in their tracks soon as they get a whiff of the pungent aroma and does a 180 without even knowing the source of the smell.!

  This is no exaggeration , I have seen various reactions by westerners just visiting the tropics , never fails to amuse me to observe the expressions on their faces,horrified , disgust , confused , annoyed , some go to the extent of holding their breath as long as they can till their lungs are close to rupturing,faces turning blue while they attempt to make a hasty getaway as far as possible from whatever  the source of the smell is from.!
  To be fair , there are those adventurous in spirit ,despite the smell ,actually brave the tasting of the fleshy fruit, some surprisingly acquiring a taste for it,most swear never to repeat the experience again.!
  With Durian,you either love it or disgusted with it,very hard to be in middle ground, yet there are those who tolerate the smell but enjoy the taste and vice versa, in many ways,this fruit is like wine, many variations which to a true connoiseur can pick out and discern  the quality and taste by merely smelling and tapping on the skin.

  Its also a dangerous fruit , if ingested together with a large dose of alcohol ,can be lethal. A potent fruit, but by itself ,to fans is absolutely delicious and smells heavenly. Apart from the side benefits.
 Looks can be deceiving and on eyes of the beholder,1st impression of the tough exterior spiky skin ,gives it a unsavoury
looking image,yet its crown as The King of Fruits in SE Asian area has remained unchallenged and unlikely to be dislodged.
for the multiple obvious reasons, mainly as ''THE Enhancer disguised in a fruit.  
 The durian tree mainly grows in forested areas and abundant in many remote villages and native jungle encampments, where it is noticed , that men ,grandparents in their 60s are still fathering  children prolifically, extended family members numbering in the dozens, putting to shame city dwellers half their age,who probably cant get it on as often as they d like.
 stamina and endurance capacity at 50% the level of their golden aged conterparts in the remote areas.
  Mother Nature does store many of her secret treasures in her garden,and only reveals it to them  who live of her resources and tending it with loving care.The durian fruit is but one little part of so many healing treasures in the forest which only those with knowledge can access and reap the rewards. So many types of herbs and roots that are not only aphrodisiacs but also cures many ailments and  have been used for centuries. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Police brutality ,the good old days, Malaysian style,standards apply.

Thats how it used to work in this country. Different standards for different folks , all in the name of law and order-.Even amongst criminals , standards apply ,you know , i.e. let's say you were a "datuk" or a VVIP ( never mind the fact that you kud be a lord in the underworld) but you have millions to throw so can easily afford to buy a title with the fortune u have and even  a permit for a firearm, afterall it is a dangerous occupation you are  in ,you do need to protect yourself) then one day you discover someone stealing from you , amount is paltry but principle of the thing is heavy, can't afford to lose face, so shoot the thief in cold blood , as a message you r not to be messed with , Yup , shoot 1st , cos this is malaysia after all , murder ,cold blooded or otherwise can be dealt with to one's favour , if you know how to work the system ?
(above is a loose  reference to actual incident in KL where a Chinese lad was shot by his employer Datuk for theft)

Which brings to mind another point . Now if you were a nobody but in possesion of a firearm,without a permit for whatever reason , criminal or not (it's another issue ) back to the hypothesis , you get busted .
Well ,guess how the interrogation will go with you !

As for the datuk above , he 'd probaly be invited to the station to record his statement , tea or coffee will be served with goreng-goreng snacks,of course , more convenient if interrogation is done at IO's office, has air conditioning, or datuk isn't going to be very cooperative ,being hot and uncomfortable.

Then there is the alternative method of interrogation ,which will likely be applied on the former .
Apart from the initial " physical " introduction to what's gonna come for the next 7 days ,( section 117 of criminal code allows a max period of 7 days detention for investigation by police before they decide on what to charge the perp ) there are few options to choose from to conduct an "interview" by the PDRM,

Let's see , I've heard about the 'sittin on a iceblock stark naked" or "phonebook technic" and am told is quite effective in many instances,

Have been told about "using the rotan or thick rubber rod on the soles of the feet while handcuffed and suspended by a pole inserted under your knees ,above your cuffed hands which of course are hugging both your feet . . and in extreme stubborn cases "rubber band on testes,perhaps.." OUCH...!!" WEll, they do have 14 days to decide how to conduct the investigation , HMMMM ,all designed to not leave obvious marks of the treatment ,

B.t.w depends on your grade ,ya.? Not everybody qualifies to receive such specialized service , mainly reserved for the uneducated , illiterate , skint , illegal alien or those who dont have connections to anybody influential. These are the ones who wont have any repercussions to deal with or answerable to, no matter what.
     Safe , as it inflict as you please , !

 Surprisingly , it is a fairly accurate assumption . Marjority of those who received the more specialized treatment are from the criminalized sector therefore most don't think about justice, they just want it to end, they will confess to anything the cops want them to during the sessions..hoping
it will shorten the process...Sadly ,most of them just takes the dish whereas others who have been thru it before just take it for granted that it comes with the territory and just accepts it ,they know exactly what to expect and grit teeth and takes it as it is.

Some of them even know about basic rights and that those rights are being trampled on yet they just don't know how to or are reluctant to air the grievances, knowing even if they do , most won't proceed far.
To be fair , sometimes vicious robbers or rapist or violent criminals
incriminate themselves during the interogations and the police are to be commended for making streets slightly safer. So the million dollar question will be,  can the extreme methods be justified by that?

  All these years of applying the methods ,one wonders , has anything changed.? Surely by now
they would have gathered enough experience through constant repetition of the tecnics to gradually refine it into a art or skill or formulated a more controlled method to this madness.
Hit and run ,miss ,trial and error ,etc.would have prompted recognizance of shortcomings , weaknesses and strengths of the methods employed.

Yet , seems they have lost direction .The current generation of top ranking officers seems to have lost the art of civilized torture.( If there is such a thing). There are lines that should be drawn and never crossed when it comes to dealing with suspects in custody.
  The skill of subtle restraint doesn't exist to the current batch of cops. What there is , a bunch of barbaric , sadistic lunatics who will bash anything that comes their way just because they can. Not so much as to extract information but more to make a good impression on their superiors that they are a mean tough s.o.b.
So that they will be considered for a promotion in rank when time comes.
A lot of these low ranking police personnel are actually from similar backgrounds, some of them running with the gangsters before joining the ranks so it isn't hard to see why they behave as they do. Same cultural mindset of the criminals or gangsters they rough up ,the "taiko" mentality.
 More alarming is that they may influence the other more gentile and decent  of our boys in blue to act as they do , thinking that , it is the most efficient way of getting results. And that is how it has always been done by the big boys.

 And   sad to say , even the higher ranked officers , supposedly to be of a better more educated  and civilized mindset , because of a higher education, trained in the police academy to inculcate a better moral fibre and discipline , to be leaders.
 But the fact is , they are the main acccomplices , just by tacit ignorance , as if the sadistic barbarism of their subordinates is condoned ,they seem to be encouraging the acts.
They are the main  culprits . They should be shot !

 Horrifyingly in Malaysia ,this sickening state of affair seems to go up all the way along the chain of command.
It just takes one person (the head honcho) to make an executive decision to revamp and it will get filtered down as long as the top dog shows full commitment and make examples of some really bad apples as a deterrent.

Poor unfortunate M. Kugan and Dharmendran weren't  the only persons actually to have paid such a high price for their alleged involvement in criminal activities.
If we remember the "maybank incident "number of years ago . Another individual was also alleged to have been tortured to death in detention, undergoing interrogation , due to the intense pressure from the public and establishment to solve the crime.

Can you imagine , Malaysian police , at a point not long ago,used to be acknowledged as one of the more efficient forces in the world , from their high percentage of crime solving in the country .
 Under Tan Sri Rahim Noor ,who expertly manuevered the force away from the scandals of corruption , evaded controversy and concentrated on policing the country. Its isn't that ,there was no corruption or abuse and excesses in the force ( this was era of Mahathirism ), no difference then and now , just done very low profile that not many made a fuss over. All were cleverly diverted to other issues.

 Point being , in spite of , you have to admit , efficiency was there.The game of cops and robbers was played effectively and more importantly , many undesirable criminal elements of society that could possibly put everyday law abiding citizens in harms way, was removed.

 Looking back , it actually felt safer then ,in comparison to now,  the police were actually policing the streets rather than being used as a tentacle to silence dissent and intimidate the innocents,  law abiding citizens didn't feel intimidated or worried about their basic rights being infringed, or terrified of being a victim to crime in the streets and at their homes. Crooks actually felt fear and
respect for the cops.Which in those days had the impression of being a non political
But then of course , these was during the infancy period of the internet in Malaysia..Blogs and You Tube and other media did not have as much impact on the mood of things as they do now.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Politics for Dummies like us!

Games people play. Be it business , politics , socializing, its all in the posturing,body language,mind games ,one upmanship.

  Especially in politics ,the current malaysian scene, i am no expert ,don't pretend to be one, yet just can't help but to be caught up in the current developments which have very much shaped a personal opinion towards what's going on.
  To an armchair observer getting much of the info from the internet , print and social media,blogs. A conclusion leans towards more anti than for the establishment.

  But i do think that this  impression represents a large part of the layman ,the guy on the street ,on what's going on in the political arena.  I am neither a diehard BN nor PKR, neutral at the moment , but do have a voice in my vote , and that vote will be swayed by my take on things as they develop.

  Alleged abuse of powers by the police,beaten to death in custody ,what do i do ? More out of curiousity at first , surf 'you tube' see what i can find out-Type in Kugan or Dharmendran, and you  see disturbing images of a deceased person with marks of being brutalized physically, images don't lie, and common sense conflicts against the explanation given on how the they breathed their last.  
     Again, like many people , we are no experts, but neither are we  fools . Anyone with a shred of intelligence will feel its being insulted when you try to match the visual images with the explanation on Kugan and Dharmendran.
      Therein lies the problem. Nobody likes to be lied to, its makes you angry and want to retaliate.
Is there a cover up? Was he beaten to death in detention? Not so much the truth but these very questions are the basis upon which the credibility of the PDRM rest. To be fair, of course you'd want to give the benefit of doubt, but as we very well know, being human, our mindset doesn't really work that way, exact opposite, guilty till proven otherwise, grudgingly speaking , my conclusion of the incident is similar to what a large part of Malaysian society has arrived at.
      Another observation of mine are the tactics of the PKR against BN, role of the police in the scheme of things, they seem to be in a position of "damned if you do, damned if you don't", its so plain to me and  this is my 5 cents worth of opinion based on my armchair observations.
 Challenge the current institution by protesting peacefully,wearing black and all, now if the cops arrest you , it will reinforce  the impression they are merely a tool of the controlling political party being used to silence dissent on what is viewed as injustice and abuse and corruption, yet if they don't do anything, then of course the message or rhetoric (depending on how you view it) can be advanced further.
 As it is,  the prestige of the police force in the eyes of the public is damaged , and the perception of a fair and unbiased institution is eroding as we speak. The impression is that, its merely a tentacle of a tyrannical establishment willing to stoop to all lengths to consolidate its power base, nipping in the bud anything it perceives as a threat to the status quo, and on the opposing side, is a party looking for the flaws and weak links and god forbid when they find them, the jaws of a pit bull will be locked on it so fast,you'd have to kill the dog to release the grip.
 Character assasination seems to be a favoured game on both sides. The opposition now, probably building up an arsenal of ammo in the form of perceived wrongdoing , injustice , etc ,  to be unleashed  at the right time when it suits their purpose..
       If there is one thing about Malaysian politics ,subtlety is not a word. Like in other "civilized" countries,same game ,same dirt and slime, grandstanding, excesses , just played more intelligently and more subtlly.
        In all this fracas,where do we ,the silent marjority,fit in ?

In all frankness,the argument about our basic rights being trampled on, the excesses of the powerful elite etc. when given some thought , does sounds convincing to a degree, more importantly is the question! What can we do about it?

       Surely,there are alternative avenues for us to express our dissatisfaction apart from the ballot. But seems as if the message being sent out now is , NO.! You are not allowed to show disapproval of goverment behaviour. Just shut up and live with it ! Now, if the current mood of us layman persist , i dread the position of the ruling party when its time to voice our opinion through the ballot.
The perception of abuses in power are very real and annoying , and if the perception that there is no change and nothing is or will be done about the status quo , and also we are not allowed to voice our concern then what is there left but to bottled it in for now and protest with the only option we have when the time comes.
